Zodiac vs Constellation
- Zodiac: When we see above in the sky it has been observed that there are certain star clusters make some meaningful structures in the space which does not change its shape with time but changes their position these are called Zodiacs. Each year they are same on the same date and time. The sun and the other planets travel along with their path. These are visible in nights and the brightest stars of these structures are visible from dusk till dawn. There are 12 identified zodiacs in the space on whose way the Sun and other planets move. The movement of each planet and sun is different which depends upon their path so the time taken by each one is different in each Zodiac some cross it in 27 days or some cross it in years. These Zodiacs are the most complex and major structures of the space, image covering the whole sky from the East to the West with 12 giant structures from which 6 occurs in day time which due to the light of sun are not visible and 6 occurs in the night which are most visible on the day of Eclipse. The Sun is our star so we have made its movement the standard movement and then calculated time accordingly. The time taken by the Sun in a single zodiac is called one month and the tenure of crossing of these 12 zodiac is called A Solar Year; some of the ancient world civilizations has consider the movement of the Moon of the earth as standard movement and calculated months and year accordingly. The moon takes around 27.5 days to cross a Zodiac which makes it a lunar month and tenure of crossing all 12 Zodiacs is called a lunar year. According to this each planet of our solar system has its month and year calculation.
- Constellation: The structures or the clusters of stars, some of which are also identified to make the Zodiac signs are called constellation. These are the simple in structure and sometimes a single star is also identified as constellation. Each Zodiac has same amount of constellations which is 2.25 in each Zodiac. There are total 27 constellation or starts identified into Zodiac signs. These are identified from East to West and the Sun and other planets move on the path which always have constant rate of angle change with them. The constellations which are also termed as Nakshtra always found in the East to West direction but there are a lot more then this, we have designated those important because Sun, Moon and other planets which are there in our solar system moves from East to West because of the earths West to East movement.
- The stars in the constellations doesn’t move but the planets moves along with their paths with their respective speed and become a part of it for limited time period which is called their transition period of that particular constellation.
- As the constellations or nakshatras are the basic elements of Zodiac sign and these Zodiacs are made up of the clusters of the constellations so the transition of planets with nakshatras is a day, few days, a month or few months depends upon its speed and path and the transition from the Zodiacs obviously more which is months and many years.
- As the distance of the planet furthers from the earth the time taken in movement also increases.
Names of Zodiacs
Names of Constellations
- Aries (मेष)
- Taurus (वृष)
- Gemini (मिथुन)
- Cancer (कर्क)
- Leo (सिंह)
- Virgo (कन्या)
- Libra (तुला)
- Scorpio (वृश्चिक)
- Sagittarius (धनु)
- Capricorn (मकर)
- Aquarius (कुम्भ)
- Pisces (मीन)
- β and γ Arietis (अश्विनी)
- 35, 39, and 41 Arietis (भरनी)
- Pleiades (कृत्तिका)
- Aldebaran (रोहिणी)
- λ, φ Orionis (मृगशीर्ष)
- Alhena (आर्द्र)
- Castor and Pollux (पुनर्वसु)
- γ, δ and θ Cancri (पुष्य)
- δ, ε, η, ρ, and σ Hydrae (अश्लेषा)
- Regulus (मघा)
- δ and θ Leonis (पूर्वा फाल्गुनी/पुब्बह)
- Denebola (उत्तरा फाल्गुनी/उत्तरा)
- α, β, γ, δ and ε Corvi (हस्त)
- Spica (चित्रा)
- Arcturus (स्वाति)
- α, β, γ and ι Librae (विशाखा)
- β, δ and π Scorpionis (अनुराधा)
- α, σ, and τ Scorpionis (ज्येष्ठा)
- ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ and ν Scorpionis (मूल)
- δ and ε Sagittarii (पूर्वा अषाढा)
- ζ and σ Sagittarii (उत्तरा अषाढा)
- α, β and γ Aquilae (श्रवण)
- α to δ Delphini (धनिष्ठा)
- Sadachbia (शतभिषा)
- α and β Pegasi (पूर्वा भाद्रपदा)
- γ Pegasi and α Andromedae (उत्तरा भाद्रपदा)
- ζ Piscium (रेवती)
अभिजीत which is not considered as a legitimate nakshatra but it is believed that it is there with Sun every time.